Thursday, December 7, 2006

Musicals and Theater

So it was about this time that my dad got a job in an unheard of part of the world.

Canary Islands - las islas canarias:
(28° 06'N, 15° 24'W) are an archipelago of the Kingdom of Spain consisting of seven islands of volcanic origin in the Atlantic Ocean. They are located off the north-western coast of Africa (Morocco and the Western Sahara). They form an autonomous community of Spain.
(thanks for that Wikipedia)

We were on the little island in the middle called "Gran Canaria". It was beautiful. Tropical weather. Beaches. Paradise.

So off we went on our first adventure. Many things were a first at the time(This was in 1989). For the first time I was a brother. I had responsibilities. I had to "share". It was my first flight, first time out of India. It was exciting.

I have fond memories of the Island. Many memories. I joined "The British School of Gran Canaria", a school meant for the expats who were on the island and whose children couldn't go to a Spanish school. There was a fair mix of British, Spanish and Indian kids there. It was here that i developed my love for music and football.

Mr. McManus. My music teacher. I still remember him after all these years. Hes one of the biggest catalysts in my musical unearthing. He played the piano. He made me join the choir. He made me study music, and learn the piano( I am sorry to say I have forgotten most of it now).

Under him, I came to learn of Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber, one of the greatest composers of musical theater to ever walk the face of earth. His compositions moved me deeply. Mr.McManus would make us perform his plays through songs.

The Phantom of the Opera


These are two of the plays which I absolutely love. The music in phantom of the opera is haunting, touching, sad, and yet so beautiful. When we were told the story, I had tears in my eyes. Every time I hear the music, my heart crumples up, and I relive the memories. The female vocals (Sarah Brightman) are breathtaking.

Just recently the movie came out, thankfully with all the music in place. It was great. Each song is a classic.
I would strongly suggest listening to these two songs in particular:

  • Think of me
  • Phantom of the opera

From Cats I would suggest listening to:

  • Memories

This song is fantastic. A really touching song. I would just imagine a beautiful woman standing in her balcony and singing this.

Another musical I took part in, which left a telling impression, was Oliver!(based on Oliver Twist). The musical numbers are fantastic as well. My favourite songs from here are:

  • Food Glorious Food
  • Oom-Pah-Pah
  • You gotta pick a pocket or two
  • Who will buy?

We used to scream our lungs during Food Glorious Food, and the best line goes like this:

"Food Glorious Food! Hot sausage and mustard!
While we're in the mood, Cold Jelly and Custard!"

The orphans are dreaming about good food during this song, while they are being served "the same old gruel".


jrod said...

figures that the thing that you would remember most was 'food, glorious food'! :P :D

nice blog, 'na. loads of memories, loads of stories. cant wait to read the rest. especially the rocking teen years.. ;)


lats said...

'Shivanataraya donde estas?' and eating all the olives!!!!!

lats said...

u came home from school and told me the story of the Phantom of the... you cried.... it was then I knew u are special..