Thursday, December 7, 2006

I have the POWER!

For pure nostalgic interest, I shall pen down my memories of the He-Man soundtrack. I would watch the cartoon whenever it was on, and even had a plastic sword to wave around during the intro music. I would stand in front of the tele and scream "BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL...I HAVE THE POWER"!!! and hum the tune. That tune was fantastic. It was inspirational. It gave hope to my young mind. I had the He-Man toys and would clatter them against each other, whilst singing the theme track. The good old days! Wish I could still do that! :)

I had the exact same toy :


nikhil! said...

What memories! oboy!

lats said...

Mmmh you had a friend in BBay who went around you like a puppy. Do you remember the name?